Monday, March 7, 2011

Mother nature, turn up the heat just a little more please!

Things are getting warm warm warm and I want it to stay stay stay.
I've learned that weather has a DIRECT impact on my mood. Aka, I'm never going to live in Seattle (unless Dr. McDreamy himself makes a deal with me...) and if I want to be happy, it looks like I need to pack up and head to a coast. Ahhh that would be so nice.
Today was a day of firsts!
1) I pulled my very first academic all nighter last night! Studied till sunrise and then some. It was actually pretty nice being all on my own in the quiet with just pandora and some civilization. Although, I have to admit it was a little creepy when the custodians came to clean the building I was in. Ha. Oh well.
1) I went to the ER for the first time tonight too! Guess my all-nighter did have a few consequences... I'm a-okay now though. :)

Spring Break on Friday... it could not get here any sooner.

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